     The first time I saw this film it was at my house. I rented it and slapped it into my VCR. Within the first fifteen minutes of watching Scream I was kicking myself in the ass for not going to see it in the theatre. Scream's introduction gives the viewer a feeling of dread that is almost unprecedented. From here your interest is peaked, the goose bumps are raised and the film has just begun.
     After the untimely demise of Casey and her boyfriend, our heroine Sidney (played by the lovely Nev Campbell) begins getting horrible feelings. Sadly, her mother was killed a year ago. This would be the first homocide since her death and the media just can't spread that enough. Everytime she turns on the TV or the radio she is constantly reminded of the grim details that surrounds her mothers departure.
     Scream is an interesting whodunnit film where "everyone is a suspect". The killer makes tormenting phone calls to chicks who are alone. Then, after they scare the shit out of them they show up in a Death-like Ghostface costume and a large kitchen knife. And the gore is wonderful, I assure you. If you haven't seen Scream yet, you're going to have a fun time guessing who the killer is. Many fingers are pointed but who will it be? Watch how the cast slowly gets hacked up until the climax where Sidney must realize the horrible truth that she has falsely convicted the wrong man and her mother's killer is still at large and now after her.

Watch the theatrical trailer for Scream by clicking here

Scream 2      Scream 2 has proven to be a worthy sequel. Of course the calibre isn't close to that of the first film, the chills are present and the story is just as intriguing.
     After the bizarre killings that plagued the small town of Woodsboro, Gale Weathers (our fame-thirsty journalist played by Courtney Cox) writes a book about it that has now become a movie called Stab. But of course, somebody is taking their love of sequels too far. After the movie is released Sidney begins getting the same "ghoulish" voiced phone calls and other people are getting hacked up by someone wearing the same costume as the original killer. The madness is followed by most of the first cast. The survivors of the first enslaught return to play the game again.
     After the real killer in the first film bites it, Cotton Weary gets released. He was the man wrongfully accused for Sidney's mother's death. Obviously there is bad blood between him and Sidney because it was her testimony that put him away. Now that he's out he's attending the same college she is. Makes for some intesting chemistry, especially when the killings begin again. Overall, Scream 2 is worth a howl. Die hard horror fans much like myself will enjoy it. Look out for the just released Scream 3, guaranteed by Mr. Craven to be the best one fo them all. I really hope he doesn't shy away from horror after this. It would be a terrible loss to the genre.

Watch the Scream 2 trailer in RealPlayer format by clicking here (904K)

ADDED BONUS!!! Check out the Scream 3 trailer in Quicktime format by clicking here (3.2 MB)