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Welcome To My Page Of Horror!!! |
I am truly humbled. My first award.
Many thanks go to the Reaper for this wonderfully macabre award!!!

I would like to give thanks to Ed for this Spooky award!!!

Huge thanks to Dr. Blood for this generous award!!!
"When there's no more room in hell, the dead will walk the earth."
- Dawn of the Dead
This site is dedicated to the wonderfully raunchy genre of horror films and all those who produce them.
My favourite horror films are the ones that really spill the blood. And if there is one person who knows how to spill the blood, it's this man....
Tom Savini
Undoubtably the best horror effects makeup artist in the business. If you are a fan of the truly gross bloodletting zombie flicks than check him out at
By clicking the above banner, you'll do me the honour of voting for me at the Horror Top 100!!!
You can vote for me here as well!!!
Updates: July 7/2000
There's been a bit of a problem with my other provider. The Dickheads deleted 50 megs of trailers and clips that were linked to the series galleries but no problem!! I've got the shit covered. Many hours of recoding, re-downloading and most of the trailers are back. I lost a few rare ones but I've also gained a few too. You can check out the series galleries below, they're award winning and I've spent a LOT of time on them. ALSO!! Nobody's signing my guest book!! What the fuck? All I want is a hello, I like/hate/love your site, anything. Give me feedback and suggestions. I love all you guys!!! Keep the horror alive!!!
"But please...feel free...explore. We have eternity to know your flesh."
- Pinhead, Hellbound: Hellraiser II
"You did what? You opened it? You stupid moron, you idiot. What's the matter with ya Frank? Haven't I always told you not even to go near those goddamn tanks?"
- Return of the Living Dead
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This site is currently under construction. Shit, I suppose it will always be under construction. There's just way too much great horror, I'm never going to run out of stuff to share with you.