A Nightmare on Elm Street
      In 1984, director Wes Craven brought us one of the most horrifying movies the screen has even displayed; A Nightmare On Elm Street. The first of the infamous nightmare series portrayed Freddy as a maniacal murderer who torments his prey (teenagers of the ones who burned his ass) in their dreams before hacking them up with his razored glove. This movie was beautifully directed by Craven. Errie content with errie soundtrack, not to mention killer special effects. If you haven't seen this movie yet, not only do I recommend you get out from underneathe your rock. I also guarantee it will scare the shit out of you.

Watch the Nightmare On Elm Street theatrical trailer by clicking here

"You think you was gonna get away from me? Now.... you die."

- Fred Kruger, A Nightmare on Elm Street

A Nightmare on Elm Street II: Freddy's Revenge
     This first sequel follows up on a family that moves into Nancy's (Heather Langerkamp) house from the first movie. Quickly, the son starts having nightmares and realises that the only reason Freddy doesn't kill him is because Freddy is killing through him when he sleeps. There are a few good moments in this film. The director tried to keep Freddy as scary and as brutal as he was in the first film, but lack of plot made it impossible. This was the last film in which Freddy had no sense of humour, so his character makes part 2 a scary film. Most fans would call this the worse movie in the series, but it is definately entertaining.

For the Nightmare On Elm Street II trailer, click here

"You are all my children now."

- Fred Kruger, A Nightmare on Elm Street II: Freddy's Revenge

A Nightmare on Elm Street III: Dream Warriors.
     Freddy is back for more vengence in this entertaining sequel. The budget is noticably larger and the effects are well done but this is the movie where Freddy starts to get a little silly. Sure, he's still out hacking kids in their sleep but now he's more exposed and not so terrifying.
     An interesting aspect of this film is that we are re-introduced to Nancy's character (played once again by Heather Langenkamp). The heroine from the first movie comes back to educate the last of the Elm Street children. A group of teenagers that have been committed to psychiatric therapy for suicide attempts, turn out to be the last kids of the parents who burned Freddy. Nobody believes their story of the nightmare man except for Nancy, who teaches the kids who the gloved man is and why he is hunting them in their dreams.
     Together, Nancy and the kids will learn to use their dream skills to protect themselves against Freddy, and the mysterious nurse will tell them how to destroy him and lay him to rest, forever.

"It's back...in the saddle......again."
- Fred Kruger, A Nightmare on Elm Street III: Dream Warriors

A Nightmare on Elm Street IV: Dream Master
     The ceremonial death of Freddy didn't stop him for long. Kristen, the heroine from the last film (played by a chick called Tuesday Knight), finds she can no longer control her dreams and fears that Freddy will be back some how. The rest of the survivors from the last film don't want to believe it, but Kincaid is the first to deal with the horrible reality of Nightmare 4. After Freddy has killed all of the Elm Street children, he wants to continue killing. Seemingly confined to an Elm Street child's nightmare, Freddy looks to Kristen's dream skill; the power to pull someone else into her dream. A useful tool for Freddy to sadistically capitolise on. You gotta love him!
     Alice, who is Kristen's boyfriend's sister (played by Lisa Wilcox), is pulled into the nightmare, witnesses Kristen's death and is given the dream skill. Soon she is burdened by watching her friend's and family die by her nightmares. Will she learn the secret of the magic behind Freddy? Or will she endlessly bring victim after victim to Freddy's front door?

Watch the Nightmare on Elm Street 4 Trailer

"Elm Street's last rat, farewell!"

"You think you've got what it takes?"
- Fred Kruger, Nightmare on Elm Street IV: Dream Master

A Nightmare on Elm Street V: Dream Child
     The relentless Freddy will stop at nothing to claim more lives. Severely pissed after Alice gives him a minor setback, Freddy's unholy conception and birth is relived through a nightmare that Alice can no longer control. A few people have to die before Alice figures out that the nightmares Freddy feeds from is coming fom her unborn son.
     This sequel was entertaining enough. It's not as good as part 4, in my opinion, because some of the deaths are a little over the edge. The limits of dreamland are stretched to bring about a common end for all of the victims. Namely, dying in their sleep.
     With help from the ghost of Freddy's mother, Alice will fight for her son that Freddy is quickly corrupting in her womb. It will be a battle between good and evil, innocence and malice, heaven and hell.

Watch the Nightmare on Elm Street 5 trailer in RealPlayer format (927K)

"Kids. Always a disappointment."
- Fred Kruger, A Nightmare on Elm Street V: Dream Child

Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare
This so-called final chapter has an interesting story behind it. It was released in the theatres with the climax having 3-D.
Several years have passed since the last film and Springwood has lost all of their heroes. After every child in Springwood has mysteriously died in their sleep, Freddy sets up his last child victim to "go fetch" his daughter, Catherine. She is the only one who can break Freddy out of his nocturnal Springwood confinement. Working as a social worker for abused teens, she meets up with this last victim and is told the story of Freddy. Not knowing that Freddy is her father, she investigates Springwood and meets Freddy in her nightmare. There, he tells her about their relationship and his shocking plans to keep killing.
     This movie is interesting because we get a chance to meet Freddy through different stages of his life. His childhood, his adolescence and his secret life of killing before he was burned is all revealed. Also, Freddy clues us in on how he came to be in nightmares.
     The story is good. Some of the scenarios are kinda bad (the power glove is the worse, you'll see what I mean). However, the script is informative and gives all of the die hard fans new theories to ponder. Probably one the best sequels in the Nightmare series. You're probably asking yourself; How will Freddy finally die? Watch the movie!

"Every town has an Elm Street"

"They took you away from me, but I made them pay. I took all their children away from them, and now... that's over. Time to start all over again."

- Fred Kruger, Freddy's Dead, The Final Nightmare

Wes Craven's New Nightmare
     The last Freddy film to date. Writer/Director Wes Craven (the original brain behind Freddy) brings us a new approach to the Freddy era. This wonderfully written film is about a new Freddy film in the works, and how it comes to affect the cast in real life.       Heather Langenkamp (Nancy from part 1 and 3, I think she's gotten better looking with age!!) returns to plays herself in this film. Film crew members and actors start dying by Freddy's M.O. and Heather starts having nightmares of a new and more evil Freddy. Even Robert Englund (who plays Freddy and himself in this film) begins to have the Freddy nightmares.      When Heather's son starts having nightmares of Freddy, she knows that something is definately wrong. She turns to Wes Craven (who also plays himself) for answers to this rash of Freddy encounters. Wes tells her a story of ancient evil and story tellers that entrap the demons with a good tale and specualtes why Freddy is breaking out of fiction and into their reality. (Is he having the nightmare too?)      As the story unfolds and Freddy becomes more powerful Heather realises that she must play Nancy one last time. Only now, its for real.
     Check out the new five-bladed glove in this one!!!

"Pick a pet for the rug rat, bitch!"
- Fred Kruger, New Nightmare

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